Good news!

Math Extreme for Windows 10 is now offered for free. Enjoy!

New worksheet - division with remainder

Good news! Division with remainder worksheets added to Math Extreme

Division with remainder worksheet
Division with remainder worksheet

New: Greatest common divisor

Good news! GCD worksheet added to all Math Extreme versions

Greatest common divisor worksheet
Greatest common divisor worksheet

New worksheet - least common multiple

Good news! New worksheet added - LCM

Least common multiple (LCM)
Least common multiple (LCM)

Math Extreme is on SALE

Math Extreme is on sale at Windows Store 

 10th July - 16th July

for minimal price - $0,99

New worksheets: quadratic equations

Good news! Quadratic equations - new worksheets added to Math Extreme. Now there are two new types to solve - reduced and standard quadratic equations (with fractions and a lot of fun). Enjoy!

Look at screenshots:

New worksheets: Exponents

Good news, everyone! New worksheets group created for Math Extreme - Exponents. Group contains four worksheet types: simple exponents, properties of exponents, division and multiplication of exponents, order of operations.

Order of operations worksheet

New worksheet for all versions - "Order of operations"

Decimals worksheets added

Good news! All versions of Math Extreme now have the new feature - worksheets with decimals - addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

Android version is on its way

Good news! Android version of Math Extreme is almost ready for publishing at Google Play, where its name will be Math Extreme GP. I've prepared a small user's manual, which is available here.

More than 10000 device models are supported.

New fractional equations test added

New test is developed for Equations category. Looks simple. Solves hard.

Pen input and draft paper

Good news! Now you can help yourself solve math problems using no paper. Open any problems sheet, swipe left and get the draft paper.

Math extreme now supports Russian language

Good news! Now Math Extreme is available in Russian language.  Download and have fun.

Математика. Задачник.
Математический задачник

Fraction equations tests added

   Good news! As promised, here are the fraction equations tests. You can find them under the 'Equations" title. New version will appear shortly in Windows Store. Enjoy.

Fraction equations tests group

Take a look at the screenshots

Update is released

Math Extreme with workaround for current Windows Store issue is released. It may take up to 16 hour for this release to become downloadable.